For over 25 years Environmental Marine is your resource for everything in marine sanitation. From Vacuflush and macerator toilets to marine holding tanks, and complete marine sanitation systems, we have what you need–in stock and priced right.
Looking for parts for Dometic, Sealand Vacuflush, Traveler Toilets or Sanipottie? We carry one of the largest supplies of marine plumbing and marine toilets in the United States.
Our parts inventory is second to none. Find marine sanitation hose, marine toilet seats, portable marine toilets and more, along with quick repair kits for the most common boat head issues.
We stock top quality metric fittings and metric pipe from GF and metric push fittings and tubing from SeaTech, as well as standard fittings and pipe.
If you’re looking for a Dometic marine toilet, look no further. We are the Dometic Master Sanitation Distributor for the Southeastern United States, and we have most Dometic/Sealand models in stock.
Marine water heaters are another specialty stocking both top of the line Torrid as well as Kuuma water heaters in the most popular sizes.
And when you need advice, we’re here for you. If you have a question about electric marine toilets, Vacuflush parts, marine pumps or anything else related to boat toilet systems, our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to help.
Get the parts you need, the advice you’re looking for and the price you’ll like, at Environmental Marine. Your marine plumbing resource.